2024 Mid Season Leaders

2024 Mid Season Leaders

A Trio of Rush Stars Lead the Scoring Race Half-Way through the Season

TORONTO, ON, July 19, 2024

With all teams now having played over 50% of their league day games the standouts on the score sheets are starting to make themselves known. And the common theme so far? The color Blue. If you’re in a Blue jersey this year pretty good chance you’re gonna score or make a save.

The Whitby Rush lead the way in all 3 player-based categories Points, Goals and Assists, while Arthur and Mimico split the goalie honors.

Starting with Points & Assists both these honors go to Rachael McKinnon from the Whitby Rush. WMSL Newbie who joined the Rush this year, Rachael hasn’t let a few years being away from Box Lacrosse stop her from hitting the scoresheet. Along with a handful of assists, in her most recent game vs Mississauga she tallied 6 goals for a lacrosse sock-trick. Stats Line: 3 GP – 10 Goals & 7 Assists for 17 Points

Moving over to Goals, the leader this year is 2023 All-Star Katy De Snoo also from the Whitby Rush. Katy being at the top of the list is no surprise to anyone in the league as her goal score prowess has been on display for many years in the league. When she’s hot, there’s no goalie that can stop her from finding that minute gap.

Stats Line: 3 GP: 14 Goals & 0 Assists for 14 Points

Honourable Mentions

Nicole Peroni – Peterborough Lakers – 6 GP: 11 Goals & 2 Assists for 13 Points

Tori Verbeek – Arthur Aces – 5 GP: 7 Goals & 7 Assists for 14 Points

Erica Evans – Mimico Mountaineers – 4 GP: 10 Goals & 5 Assists for 15 Points

Moving over to goalies, the duo leading the way are Nicole Howey from the Arthur Aces and Davina Gillis from the Mimico Mountaineers both with 3 wins in 3 starts. Nicole edges out the pair as she’s got the lower GAA with only 5 scored on her including a shutout in her most recent games. Both Nicole & Davina are on the 2 top undefeated teams and their partners in net are also near the top of the leaderboard.

Stats Line: Nicole Howey – 3 GP: 3 Wins & 0 Losses with 1.67 GAA and 1 SO

Stats Line: Davina Gillis – 3 GP: 3 Wins & 0 Losses with 2.00 GAA

Honorable Mentions

Katie Smith – Kingston Cannons – 5 GP: 3 Wins & 2 Losses with 4.60 GAA and 1 SO

Ashley Price – Arthur Aces – 2 GP: 2 Wins & 0 Losses with 0.5 GAA and 1 SO