WMSL RESOURCESLEAGUE LINKSOLA REGISTRATION PORTALOLA Player Registration PortalVISIT SITEOLA Coach + Volunteer Registration PortalVISIT SITEWMSL LEAGUE CONTACTSVIEW + DOWNLOADWMSL Policy PaperVIEW + DOWNLOADOLA Administrative DocumentsVIEW + DOWNLOADOLA By-Laws, Rules, and RegulationsVIEW + DOWNLOADBACKGROUND CHECKSVIEW + DOWNLOAD2024 COACHING CLINICSVIEW + DOWNLOADWMSL Important DatesVIEW + DOWNLOADOLA Appeals ProcessVISIT SITEPRE-SEASONNew Club ApplicationVIEW + DOWNLOADProvincials Hosting ApplicationVIEW + DOWNLOADTournament Hosting ApplicationVIEW + DOWNLOADOLA Release form - Jr. to Major rev. 2023VIEW + DOWNLOADGROW THE GAME#WMSL012345678900123456789001234567890 +PLAYERS0123456789001234567890CLUBS0123456789001234567890 +SEASONS